Saturday, July 23, 2011

My new menu notebook.

I've gotten away from making menus over the last couple of weeks and I know why. I was bored. Who wants to write out menus in the same old boring composition book, when a decorated one would be so much prettier. This is just my first one, so it's not all that good; but it is mine and I made it. I'm going to make a second one, although I'm not sure what I'm going to use it for.

My new menu notebook.

As you can see, it's very simple and very homemade. All it took was two different types of paper, a little glue, and a composition book. Glue the paper on and cut to size. Done. I think it took five minutes to make. I remember seeing something like this on Martha Stewart's show years ago, but I forgot about it until I was on Etsy looking for a simple, cheap journal. Instead of paying $5 for one, I used an old composition book I had and paper for scrapbooking that I had. Mine was free and I think it turned out pretty good. We'll see if it holds up though. That'll be the test.

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